AVATAR Project

The AVATAR Project is a collaboration between the Konstantina Filozofa V de Nitra University (Slovakia), the National Zoo of Bojnice (Slovakia), the ZooPark of Chomutov in Czech Republic, INAK (Slovakia) and Vita xxi in Spain.

STEM 2021

Joint international initiative organized by Scientix, which invites you to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


It is a project for the implementation of practical environmental education in schools. The project involved 6 partners active in the area of ​​environmental education from 4 countries, Slovakia (INAK, Stromzivota, Constantine El Filósofo University), Italy (CNR-IBE), Spain (VITA XXI) and the United Kingdom (Learning through Landscapes) .

AVATAR Project

The AVATAR Project is a collaboration between the Konstantina Filozofa V de Nitra University (Slovakia), the National Zoo of Bojnice (Slovakia), the ZooPark of Chomutov in Czech Republic, INAK (Slovakia) and Vita xxi in Spain.


Curso de introducción a las basuras marinas en asociación con AMBIENTE EUROPEO. AMBIENTE EUROPEO y EL PROYECTO MALIA, para la ciencia ciudadana y la incorporación de actividades sobre basuras marinas en el currículum escolar. Más información en https://ambienteeuropeo.org/basuras-marinas/