Vídeo de @belriska

AVATAR Project

Taking care of all vulnerable animal species thanks to an active relationship with nature

2024 - 2026

The AVATAR Project is a collaboration between the Konstantina Filozofa V de Nitra University (Slovakia), the National Zoo of Bojnice (Slovakia), the ZooPark of Chomutov in Czech Republic, INAK (Slovakia) and Vita xxi in Spain. 

Working with 5 goals in mind:

To achieve this, we have developed three work schedules:

Third international meeting

April 2025

Teacher training

Prague, Czech Republic

  •  Encuentro con el personal de GREFA y visita a sus instalaciones.
  • This project is enabling collaboration with Slovak, Czech and Spanish organizations interested in biodiversity education as a tool to bring citizens, teachers and students of all educational levels closer to being more aware of their relationship with nature. The project is currently preparing two computer applications after a first meeting in Slovakia and another in Spain. During the second international meeting in Spain in September 2024, the foundations have been laid for the collaboration with GREFA, the group for the rehabilitation of native fauna and its habitat, based in Majadahonda in the Community of Madrid. All the participating institutions met in Murcia to start the elaboration of educational contents and to learn about the technological and field proposals that will be used in this project.    


Third international meeting currently being planned to be in April  2025 at the zoo parc in Bojnice, in Slovakia to work with the first version of ICT tools - apps for biodiversity education and the use of wildlife recovery centers and zoos as educational facilities outside the classroom where one can have a real and close experience with wildlife and at the same time use outdoor educational technology to learn about local and global biodiversity.       

VITAXXI is a dynamic initiative that changes and grows with time to support sustainability, equity and citizen participation.
Find out about the services that we offer in the educational and innovational fields through the collaboration with organizations and professionals of various subjects.

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